Huddersfield topographic map
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About this map
Name: Huddersfield topographic map, elevation, terrain.
Average elevation: 145 m
Minimum elevation: 44 m
Maximum elevation: 273 m
England trails, hiking, mountain biking, running and outdoor activities
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United Kingdom > England > Kirklees
In the 1848 edition of 'A Topographical Dictionary of England', Samuel Lewis (the editor) wrote:- "the lands are in meadow and pasture, with a small portion of arable; the scenery is bold and romantic. In the quarries of the district are found vegetable fossils, especially firs and other mountain trees. The…
Average elevation: 241 m
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United Kingdom > England > Kirklees
Listed as Clayton, West, the village featured in "A Topographical Dictionary of England" which was published by Samuel Lewis, London, 1848. In 1848 the village had 1440 residents and was described as being 1080 acres belonging to various owners. Mining was listed as the predominant industry, along with the…
Average elevation: 150 m