Yerba Buena Island topographic map
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San Francisco Bay Area
United States > California > San Francisco
The San Francisco Bay Area is characterized by a diverse and dynamic topography shaped by geological processes over millions of years. This region features a combination of coastal plains, steep hills, and rugged mountains, all influenced by the tectonic activity associated with the nearby San Andreas Fault…
Average elevation: 113 m
Golden Gate Park
United States > California > San Francisco
In the 1860s, San Franciscans began to feel the need for a spacious public park similar to Central Park, which was then taking shape in New York City. Golden Gate Park was carved out of unpromising sand and shore dunes that were known as the Outside Lands, in an unincorporated area west of San Francisco's…
Average elevation: 71 m
Alcatraz Island
United States > California > San Francisco
Alcatraz Island view from the west. Image shot from an altitude of approximately 1,800 ft (549 m).
Average elevation: 0 m
Mount Davidson
United States > California > San Francisco
Mount Davidson is the highest natural point in San Francisco, California, with an elevation of 928 feet (283 m). It is located near the geographical center of the city, south of Twin Peaks and Portola Drive and to the west of Diamond Heights and Glen Park. It dominates the southeastern view from most of…
Average elevation: 138 m