Ruvuma Region topographic map
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Ruvuma Region
Ruvuma Region is located in the Southern Highlands, which range between 300 and 2000 meters above sea level. Lake Nyasa, which is located in the Western arm of the Great Rift Valley, covers the western portion of the area. The Matengo Mountains ranges, which reach heights of up to 2000 meters, are to the east of the Rift Valley. In a similar vein, the Lukumburu Mountains, which can reach an elevation of 2000 meters above sea level, are located to the north. The Ruvuma River cuts across the lower plains in the region's south. The region has diverse topology. While the Lukumburu and Matengo mountains' northern and western portions climb to a height of 2,000 meters above sea level, the region's eastern lowlands are only 300 meters above sea level.
About this map
Name: Ruvuma Region topographic map, elevation, terrain.
Location: Ruvuma Region, Southern Highlands Zone, Tanzania (-11.76125 34.57244 -9.25038 38.11504)
Average elevation: 829 m
Minimum elevation: 216 m
Maximum elevation: 2,916 m
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