
Arciprestazgo de Alcalá Sur topographic map

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Arciprestazgo de Alcalá Sur

Standing at an average altitude of 654 m, and occupying some 88 km2; the city was for a long time contained in between the Henares to the South and the Madrid-Barcelona railway to the North. However, the increasing population brought on the sprawl of the urbanised area to the area located in between the railway and the A-2 motorway and beyond.

Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

About this map

Name: Arciprestazgo de Alcalá Sur topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Arciprestazgo de Alcalá Sur, Alcalá de Henares, Community of Madrid, Spain (40.44589 -3.44740 40.53170 -3.28378)

Average elevation: 685 m

Minimum elevation: 576 m

Maximum elevation: 899 m