
Araújos topographic map

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The city center of Araújos is located at an elevation of 821 meters about halfway between Divinópolis and Bom Despacho. Neighboring municipalities are: Bom Despacho (N) and (NW), Leandro Ferreira (NE), Nova Serrana and Pedigão (E), Santo Antônio do Monte (S) and (SW).

About this map

Name: Araújos topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Araújos, Microrregião Bom Despacho, Região Geográfica Intermediária de Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Southeast Region, 35603-000, Brazil (-19.99085 -45.26700 -19.77900 -45.09985)

Average elevation: 791 m

Minimum elevation: 687 m

Maximum elevation: 1,021 m