
Tarqui topographic map

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Coordinates: 3°00′49″S 79°02′04″W; Official Language: Spanish; Entity: Parish of Ecuador; Province: Azuay; Canton: Cuenca; President of the Parish Government: Galo Zhagüi; Subdivisions: 26 communities; Foundation and Parishization: October 18, 1915 (108 years old); Area: 135 km²; Average Altitude: 2628 m above. n. m.; Climate: Average annual temperatures of 12 °C to 20 °C; Watercourse: Tarqui River; Population (2010): 12,490 inhabitants, Density: 92.52 inhabitants/km²; Time Zone: ECT (UTC-5); Postal Code EC010168.

Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

About this map

Name: Tarqui topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Tarqui, Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador (-3.04606 -79.17633 -2.95740 -78.95060)

Average elevation: 2,875 m

Minimum elevation: 2,436 m

Maximum elevation: 3,852 m

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