
Hrob topographic map

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About this map

Name: Hrob topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Hrob, okres Teplice, Ústí nad Labem Region, Northwest, 417 04, Czechia (50.63934 13.66465 50.68490 13.74915)

Average elevation: 472 m

Minimum elevation: 238 m

Maximum elevation: 868 m

Other topographic maps

Click on a map to view its topography, its elevation and its terrain.


Czechia > Northwest > Ústí nad Labem Region > Ústí nad Labem

Among border points there are hills Kamenný vrch, Skřivánčí vrch and Modřín. There is Průčelský stream in Brná nad Labem and elevation is between 170 and 700 meters above sea level.

Average elevation: 366 m


Czechia > Northwest > Ústí nad Labem Region

Average elevation: 279 m


Czechia > Northwest > Ústí nad Labem Region

Average elevation: 328 m


Czechia > Northwest > Ústí nad Labem Region

Average elevation: 262 m