
Baikonur topographic map

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The Soviet government established the Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Ispytatel'nyi Poligon N.5 (NIIIP-5), or Scientific-Research Test Range N.5 by its decree of 12 February 1955. The U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance plane found and photographed the Tyuratam missile test range (cosmodrome Baikonur) for the first time on 5 August 1957.

Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

About this map

Name: Baikonur topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Baikonur, Kyzylorda Region, 468320, Kazakhstan (45.60966 63.27206 45.64732 63.33137)

Average elevation: 100 m

Minimum elevation: 82 m

Maximum elevation: 111 m

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Kazakhstan > Kyzylorda Region

The Soviet government established the Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Ispytatel'nyi Poligon N.5 (NIIIP-5), or Scientific-Research Test Range N.5 by its decree of 12 February 1955. The U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance plane found and photographed the Tyuratam missile test range (cosmodrome Baikonur) for the first…

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