
Laverton topographic map

Interactive map

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Laverton, originally known as British Flag, is a town in the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia, and the centre of administration for the Shire of Laverton. The town of Laverton is located at the western edge of the Great Victoria Desert, 957 kilometres (595 mi) north-northeast of the state capital, Perth, and 124 kilometres (77 mi) east-northeast of the town of Leonora with an elevation of 461 m.

About this map

Name: Laverton topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Laverton, Western Australia, 6440, Australia (-28.66631 122.36338 -28.58631 122.44338)

Average elevation: 461 m

Minimum elevation: 423 m

Maximum elevation: 500 m