
Tlaxcala City topographic map

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Tlaxcala City

The city is located in the central Mexican highlands 2,239 metres (7,346 feet) above sea level, in a valley of the same name, from which the Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl volcanoes can be seen in the distance. The main elevations in the municipality are El Cerro Ostol at 2,460 metres (8,070 feet) and El Cerro Tepepan at 2,320 metres (7,610 feet).

Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

About this map

Name: Tlaxcala City topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Tlaxcala City, Tlaxcala de Xicohténcatl, Municipio de Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, 90000, Mexico (19.15671 -98.39861 19.47671 -98.07861)

Average elevation: 2,414 m

Minimum elevation: 2,178 m

Maximum elevation: 3,267 m