Caburgua topographic map
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About this map
Name: Caburgua topographic map, elevation, terrain.
Location: Caburgua, Provincia de Cautín, Araucanía Region, Chile (-39.21938 -71.82813 -39.17938 -71.78813)
Average elevation: 556 m
Minimum elevation: 383 m
Maximum elevation: 1,057 m
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Chile > Araucanía Region > Provincia de Cautín
Other lakes found nearby include Calafquén, Caburgua, Huilipilún and Colico. In the summer water sports and sunbathing are popular activities in the warm temperatures experienced at the low altitudes ranging from 200 to 500m above sea level.
Average elevation: 421 m
Población Los Castaños 1
Chile > Araucanía Region > Provincia de Cautín > Vilcún > Cajón
Average elevation: 146 m