Caraúbas topographic map
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Serra da Borborema
Brazil > Paraíba > Região Metropolitana de Patos > Cacimbas
Average elevation: 573 m
São João do Rio do Peixe
Brazil > Paraíba > Região Metropolitana de Cajazeiras
Average elevation: 285 m
Barra de Santa Rosa
Brazil > Paraíba > Região Metropolitana de Barra de Santa Rosa
Average elevation: 506 m
Arara is a municipality in the state of Paraíba in northeastern Brazil. It is located in the mesoregion of Agreste Paraibano and the microregion of Western Curimataú, 155 km from the state capital, João Pessoa. It is located on the high plain of Borborema at an altitude of 467 m above sea level.
Average elevation: 494 m
Brazil > Paraíba > Região Metropolitana de Sousa
Nazarezinho is located on the western part of Paraíba, to the south of Rio Piranhas. Its average elevation is 356 meters above the sea level.
Average elevation: 356 m
Pombal is a Brazilian municipality in the State of Paraíba. Located at an altitude of 184 meters. According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in 2020 it had an estimated population of 32,802 inhabitants. Its territorial area is 894 km2.
Average elevation: 247 m
Brazil > Paraíba > Região Metropolitana de Barra de Santa Rosa > Sossêgo
Average elevation: 575 m
Campina Grande
Brazil > Paraíba > Região Metropolitana de Campina Grande > Campina Grande
Average elevation: 498 m