
Bissingen an der Teck topographic map

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Bissingen an der Teck

Bissingen lies at the foot of the Swabian Jura, the district Ochsenwang on the Alb plateau. The municipality covers an altitude of 384 m on the border with Kirchheim unter Teck-Nabern to 830 m in "Brucker Hölzle", which is at the same time the highest point of Stuttgart (region).

Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

About this map

Name: Bissingen an der Teck topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Bissingen an der Teck, Vereinbarte Verwaltungsgemeinschaft der Stadt Weilheim an der Teck, Landkreis Esslingen, Baden-Württemberg, 73266, Germany (48.56036 9.47046 48.61073 9.54557)

Average elevation: 549 m

Minimum elevation: 355 m

Maximum elevation: 827 m

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