
Springdale topographic map

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About this map

Name: Springdale topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Springdale, Washington County, Arkansas, United States (36.13333 -94.25743 36.24840 -94.06796)

Average elevation: 398 m

Minimum elevation: 337 m

Maximum elevation: 509 m

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United States > Arkansas > Washington County

Average elevation: 400 m


United States > Arkansas > Washington County

Average elevation: 414 m


United States > Arkansas > Washington County

...yet I venture the assertion that nowhere in said country—or for that matter, in any part of the state—could be found a lovelier elevation, or a lovelier grove of graceful oaks, or a more commanding view, or, in fine, a spot better suited and adapted for the purposes designated than the one chosen for…

Average elevation: 401 m