
Chatkal District topographic map

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Chatkal District

The district occupies high-altitude Chatkal valley limited by Talas Ala-Too from north, Pskem Range from north-west and west, and Chatkal Range from south-east. In addition, the district includes a small area of south-east slope of the Chatkal Range facing Fergana Valley. Elevations of the terrain range from approximately 1500 m at Sumsar to 4503 m in the Chatkal range. Some other picks of the district reach altitudes of over 4000 meters. Chatkal valley is pear-shaped. The slope of Chatkal Range facing the valley is terraced. The terraces are dissected by deep canyons of Chatkal river's tributaries, characterized by snowfields and small glaciers in the upstreams. Chandalash Range extends in the central part of the district. Mountains occupy 96%, and vallies - 4% of the district.

Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

About this map

Name: Chatkal District topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Chatkal District, Jalal-Abad Region, Kyrgyzstan (41.20832 70.16896 42.21876 71.98111)

Average elevation: 2,327 m

Minimum elevation: 478 m

Maximum elevation: 4,444 m

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