
Crimean Peninsula topographic map

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Crimean Peninsula

The main range of these mountains rises with extraordinary abruptness from the deep floor of the Black Sea to an altitude of 600–1,545 metres (1,969–5,069 ft), beginning at the southwest point of the peninsula, called Cape Fiolent. Some Greek myths state that this cape was supposedly crowned with the temple of Artemis where Iphigeneia officiated as priestess. Uchan-su, on the south slope of the mountains, is the highest waterfall in Crimea.

Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

About this map

Name: Crimean Peninsula topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Crimean Peninsula, Sevastopol, Southern Federal District, Russia (44.38641 32.47975 46.18059 36.64705)

Average elevation: 35 m

Minimum elevation: -5 m

Maximum elevation: 1,514 m

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