
Goygol District topographic map

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About this map

Name: Goygol District topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Goygol District, Ganja-Dashkasan, 2500, Azerbaijan (40.28601 46.10809 40.77696 46.52181)

Average elevation: 1,197 m

Minimum elevation: 138 m

Maximum elevation: 3,574 m

Goygol and 7 identical lakes – Maralgol, Zaligol, Aghgol, Shamligol, Ordekgol, Jeyrangol and Garagol are located in the territory of Goygol district. Lake Goygol is situated on the foothill of Mount Kapaz at an altitude of 1556 meters. The length of the lake is 2450 meters, and its width is 595 meters, the deepest point is 95 meters.

Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

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